NEW EvoTorque® 2 (generation) ET2-80-2700N.m
Τα Αγγλικά εργαλεία ροπής Norbar είναι επαγγελματικά, μεγάλης ακριβείας, υψηλής ποιότητας, ιδιαιτέρως εύκολα στην χρήση και είναι στο σύνολό τους ελεγμένα με πιστοποιητικό ακριβείας κάτω από τους πιο αυστηρούς ευρωπαϊκούς κανόνες.
Το EvoTorque® 2 είναι το μοναδικό ηλεκτρικό εργαλείο ροπής με πιστοποιημένη ακρίβεια +/-3% ανεξάρτητα εφαρμογής. Εγγυημένα, κανένα άλλο ηλεκτρικό εργαλείο ροπής, ηλεκτρικός πολλαπλασιαστής ροπής που διατίθεται στην αγορά δεν μπορεί να επιτύχει κάτι ανάλογο. Τo EvoTorque® 2 είναι ένα τεχνολογικό επίτευγμα που έχει προκύψει μετά από 12 χρόνια συνεχούς έρευνας.
Τα εργαλεία ροπής Norbar συνδυάζουν όλα τα προτερήματα που έχει ένα εργαλείο ροπής δυναμόκλειδο (ταχύτητα, ευκολία, δύναμη, ακρίβεια) αλλά με πολύ μεγάλη ακρίβεια στην εφαρμογή ροπής κυριολεκτικά με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού, πολύ μεγάλη ασφάλεια για τον χρήστη, ποιοτικότερη και αποτελεσματικότερη εργασία χωρίς να υπάρχει περίπτωση ζημίας, πολύ μεγάλη δύναμη, εντελώς αθόρυβα, πολύ ανθεκτική ποιοτική κατασκευή, γεννημένο στην Αγγλια, λειτουργία χωρίς καθόλου κρούση και όλα αυτά με πολύ μεγάλη ευκολία, μακροχρόνια εμπύρια σε όλα τα εργαλεία ροπής το EvoTorque® 2 έχει εγγύηση 13 μήνες.
EvoTorque® 2 – 80 Series, 27000 N·m
The EvoTorque® 2 is an electronic torque tool designed for accurately applying torque to threaded fasteners. Tools are factory calibrated to ±3% of reading. The unique ‘intelligent joint sensing’ technology continually measures the joint during tightening and, when necessary, employs dynamic braking to avoid torque over-shoot due to motor inertia. Consequently, EvoTorque® can apply torque accurately over a wide range of joint rates from hard (high torque rate) through to soft (low torque rate). All EvoTorque® tools are highly tolerant of supply voltage and frequency variation. When the tool runs, it will run accurately. If the supply voltage is outside of tolerance then, as a safety feature, the tool will be prevented from starting.
The EvoTorque® 2 has the ability to memorise multiple targets, work IDs, user IDs and readings. The tool has three modes of operation: Torque, Torque and Angle and Torque Audit. The unique Audit Mode is a sophisticated feature for testing pre-tightened bolts with minimal impact on the original fastening torque and can provide quality control data for monitoring joint performance over time.
Part number: 180229.B08
Accuracy: ±3%
Operates between:
- Operating range from 270 N•m – 2700 N•m
- 230V a.c.
- Factory calibrated to ± 3%
- USB and Bluetooth® 4.0 data transfer (also called Bluetooth® Smart)
- 3000 reading memory, time and date stamped
- Complimentary PC software ‘EvoLog’ for data management and tool configuration
- Very low vibration levels using a non-impacting mechanism; this leads to comfortable and safe use with less damage to the tool, socket and threaded assembly
- Reaction forces are contained by the reaction bar, so forces are not passed back to the operator
- Several reaction bar styles available, including versions for restricted applications. Engineered to Order reaction accessories are also available, see examples.
- Correct torque output from hard through to soft joints
- Indicator on the tool clearly signals that the correct Torque or Angle has been achieved
- ‘Usage’ counter gives the ability to see the amount of times the tool has been used since the last reset
- “Operation Direction” designed primarily for undoing bolts. When doing sequence tightening, it is now possible to undo an incorrectly tightened bolt without interrupting the sequence
- 2 Stage Tightening gives faster application of a Snug Torque & Angle Target
- “Turn Angle” option can be used to check if bolts have already been tightened in an assembly process
- Allows tool integration into third party control systems
- Maximum Audit Mode target angle increased to 720 degrees
- Ability to produce and store real time graphs via EvoLog
- 2 different lock levels, lock level 1 as per previous lock, lock level 2 will not allow user to exit the run screen or change the target
- Torque, Torque & Angle, Torque & Angle with Final Torque or Torque Audit Modes
- Each tool is supplied with a traceable calibration certificate
- For more features please see link to sales leaflet under catalogue below
- 1″ Square Drive
- Calibrated to 20% – 100% of tool’s maximum capacity
- Operational targets can be set from 10% of tool capacity
- RPM: 10
- 230V: 0
- Tool Weight: 10.75Kg
- Reaction Plate Weight: 1.5Kg