Ψαλίδια πάγκου Λάμας επαγγελματική ποιότητα με εύκολη λειτουργία και μαχαίρια υψηλής σκλήρυνσης (δεν λιμάρονται) και πολλαπλής χρίσης (κάθε μαχαίρι μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί και από τις τέσσερις πλευρές), διαθέσιμα ανταλλακτικά. Διαθέσιμα 6 διαφορετικοί τύποι ανάλογα με το πάχος της λάμας που κόβουμε (4mm,5mm,6mm,4mmLong, 8mm,10mm)
Η πλέων επαγγελματική επιλογή,
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά:
Code: 60602010180
Μήκος Μαχαιριού: 180mm
Πάχος Κοπής : 6mm
Διαστάσεις Λάμας : 70Χ6mm
Κοπή Στρογγυλό (Φ) : Φ 13mm
Ύψος χωρίς τον λεβιέ : 28mm,
Πλάτος : 37mm
Βάρος : 18.0Kg
Safety Infortmation
- Misuse of shear can cause serious injury to eyes, hands,…etc
- In order to ensure safety, shear must be set up and used properly.
- Please read, understand and follow all instructions given in this safety information sheet before setting up and using the shear.
- Always wear eye, face protections and use other necessary safety wear wear while working with the metal shears.
Metal Shear user’s manual
- Make sure that you bolt your sheet metal shear safety and securely to a suitable to a suitable platform.
- Remove the safety pin before opersting the shear. Stand at a safe distance from the cutting area during operation. Always wear hand and eye-protection.
- Do not use the shear without the support and always adjust for workpiece thickness.
- To prevent wear on blades and other moving parts always lubricate on regular basis.
- Do not alter lever arm lenght (or use excessive force) as this may impair cutting caapcity and/or damage the shear.
- Shear blades are factory-set with appropiate working clearance.
- Do not use the shear to cut metarials above the permissibla limit specified on the label.
- Shears are designed to cut St 50 or equivalent material with max. hardness of 150 HB. Higher hardness or stainless steels are not permitted.
- While sharpening worn blades make sure cutting angles are preserved.